Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Ruffle Dress

The current work in progress is McCall's 9389, a pattern dug from my mom's hoard. The printed date on the pattern says 1968, but this dress has definitely found it's way into stores today.

I will be making the middle view with the contrasted skirt. I will also be adding sleeves.

I made ruffles for the first time and they're super cutesy. I'm using a bright, hot pink, a color I would usually leave for someone else. But, I'm justifying it because it came out of my stock pile of cloth, and the skirt color will be a greenish, khaki neutral.

There will be buttons sewn into the front, middle band running vertically. How silly, faux buttons that do nothing! But it's a pattern of the '60's, therefore faux buttons are to be expected. I'm thinking I might submit this to the vintage competition over at

Also, I'm almost finished with my roomie's dress, and if there's one thing I can say, always line a dress with a fun color, even if it isn't meant to be seen. It always makes you feel like you have a fun secret.


M said...

...and there's no zipper so this should stay out of the graveyard right?
Happy Sewing!

Chappell said...

Unfortunately, there is a zipper! I recently discovered that the front section is fake. It looks like it should button up, but there IS a 22" zipper in the back. Ugh.