Friday, October 1, 2010

Animation background by Scott Wills

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Latest Prints

My two latest Etsy purchases. From top: pool by miniaturetrapdoor, and Citrine Mineral Specimen by unitedthread.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Great Illustration

Love, love this pattern illustration. The person who drew this figure obviously had at least some knowledge of anatomy. She's beautifully stylized and angular.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Current Projects

I have the problem of starting too many projects at once.

I found this vintage shirtdress pattern among my mom's old stuff. It might be hard to see it in this picture, but I was attracted to it because of the inverted pleats in the very front of the skirt. The fabric I picked is a very light rayon, so I hope it will work. I believe the dress is meant to be made with broadcloth or linen, but I couldn't resist this fabric.

I wasn't sold on this retro pattern reissue from Butterick but once I saw how they made it up for their model in their store catalog, I knew I had to try it. I knew I wanted the bodice to be a shiny red, so I made it quickly without questioning myself. I couldn't decide on the skirt material since I knew there would be a LOT of it. Today at JoAnn's, one of my least favorite fabric stores, I found this amazing shantung plaid in the decorator's section. It was $40 a yard, marked down to $12. When I had two yards cut, it rang up as only $3. It's those little things in life. I was happy as a clam. I hope this look isn't "too much" on the visual side.

I've never made a proper shirt and I thought now would be the time. I bought some extremely cheap shirting material, just in case this experiment goes awry. This vintage pattern comes with embroidery patterns for your initials. Wouldn't that be adorable?

I'm not so sure about this one. I love this plaid (what is my deal with plaid lately?) and I bought it for only $2 per yard. I'm going to try it with Simplicity 2917 with it, but I'm afraid it might be a little overwhelming. I just bought a dress in black that is made exactly like 2917, so hopefully my version will turn out just as well.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Auction Hunting

This dress pattern just sold on eBay for nearly $30. That's quite a penny for a vintage pattern, but I could see how some dressmakers out there would drool over those turned up shoulders. They do say "Hellloooooo, upper arms," but I still considered it for a moment. Even more, the pattern was at a decently sized 36 bust (pretty good as far as vintage goes), thus making it more desirable. Congrats to the lucky bidder, I wish I could see this dress when it's all finished!

I'm intrigued by this wrap around dress. I feel like I would wear it, but also think the girl looks like she's wearing an oversized placemat. The bust is too small for me to even consider, but I like the image. If you're interested, visit the auction.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

eBay Find #4

A very unique 1940's dress on eBay. You could never find this fabric nowadays. The giant, bold flowers on the side seams of the dress are beautifully balanced by the smaller, detailed flowers that run down the center front and back panels of the dress. Make sure to check out the detail of the handmade fasteners at the neck line! The starting bid is quite high, but I can only bet that it will climb much higher before the end of the auction.

See the rest of the images at the eBay listing.

Women In Photographs

Today I looked through the photos at Shorpy, a blog that posts images of American life between the 1900's and 1960's. I ran across some amazing stuff. Click through for a larger version of the image.

This is one the most beautiful woman I've seen in a photo. This was taken in 1942 of a woman who worked as an airplane parts inspector. The photograph is aptly titled Hollywood's Loss, as the movie business truly missed the opportunity to transform this woman into a celebrity.

I was also fascinated by this 1908 photograph of a Broadway actress at a charity event. That shirt can be found at your local Old Navy today. It's hard to believe that this picture is actually that old.

Washington, 1943. A study of contrasts at Union Station.

Look around
Shorpy for more great images.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Classy Vintage

I love this 1950's dress over at Lucitebox. I wish it were meant for me but the measurements are for someone else.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Color Palette of the Day

From the Bugs Bunny short, Hyde & Hare, featured today on Animation Backgrounds. Gorgeous and simple.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Ruffle Dress

The current work in progress is McCall's 9389, a pattern dug from my mom's hoard. The printed date on the pattern says 1968, but this dress has definitely found it's way into stores today.

I will be making the middle view with the contrasted skirt. I will also be adding sleeves.

I made ruffles for the first time and they're super cutesy. I'm using a bright, hot pink, a color I would usually leave for someone else. But, I'm justifying it because it came out of my stock pile of cloth, and the skirt color will be a greenish, khaki neutral.

There will be buttons sewn into the front, middle band running vertically. How silly, faux buttons that do nothing! But it's a pattern of the '60's, therefore faux buttons are to be expected. I'm thinking I might submit this to the vintage competition over at

Also, I'm almost finished with my roomie's dress, and if there's one thing I can say, always line a dress with a fun color, even if it isn't meant to be seen. It always makes you feel like you have a fun secret.