Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Current Projects

I have the problem of starting too many projects at once.

I found this vintage shirtdress pattern among my mom's old stuff. It might be hard to see it in this picture, but I was attracted to it because of the inverted pleats in the very front of the skirt. The fabric I picked is a very light rayon, so I hope it will work. I believe the dress is meant to be made with broadcloth or linen, but I couldn't resist this fabric.

I wasn't sold on this retro pattern reissue from Butterick but once I saw how they made it up for their model in their store catalog, I knew I had to try it. I knew I wanted the bodice to be a shiny red, so I made it quickly without questioning myself. I couldn't decide on the skirt material since I knew there would be a LOT of it. Today at JoAnn's, one of my least favorite fabric stores, I found this amazing shantung plaid in the decorator's section. It was $40 a yard, marked down to $12. When I had two yards cut, it rang up as only $3. It's those little things in life. I was happy as a clam. I hope this look isn't "too much" on the visual side.

I've never made a proper shirt and I thought now would be the time. I bought some extremely cheap shirting material, just in case this experiment goes awry. This vintage pattern comes with embroidery patterns for your initials. Wouldn't that be adorable?

I'm not so sure about this one. I love this plaid (what is my deal with plaid lately?) and I bought it for only $2 per yard. I'm going to try it with Simplicity 2917 with it, but I'm afraid it might be a little overwhelming. I just bought a dress in black that is made exactly like 2917, so hopefully my version will turn out just as well.

That's all for now.


lesley said...

you are so close to being laverne defazio it is ridic.

Mom2fur said...

I think the dress will be beautiful in the plaid, but I know how much work it will be to match the seams! Good luck!