Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Auction Hunting

This dress pattern just sold on eBay for nearly $30. That's quite a penny for a vintage pattern, but I could see how some dressmakers out there would drool over those turned up shoulders. They do say "Hellloooooo, upper arms," but I still considered it for a moment. Even more, the pattern was at a decently sized 36 bust (pretty good as far as vintage goes), thus making it more desirable. Congrats to the lucky bidder, I wish I could see this dress when it's all finished!

I'm intrigued by this wrap around dress. I feel like I would wear it, but also think the girl looks like she's wearing an oversized placemat. The bust is too small for me to even consider, but I like the image. If you're interested, visit the auction.


M said...

This is the first dress I made! It was in a home ec summer school class in like 1969! My teacher called it a 3 Armhole was simple to make but looked pretty bad on my skinny 10 year old self!

Chappell said...

That is too funny. It's too bad that schools stopped teaching girls how to sew!